Radar is a fundamental building block for both current and future automated driving applications. These radar sensors are used in distance warning and automatic emergency braking systems, thus make driving safer. Radar sensors will be part of the standard equipment of every new car in the future. Among other things, they are required for autonomous driving. With more than 100 million 77 GHz radar chips sold, Infineon is the technology and world market leader in this segment. The aim of the collaboration is to develop this safety technology further.

Traditional radar architectures require more physical antennas in order to deliver higher angular resolution, but additional antennas translate into higher cost, size, and power. Oculii’s proprietary Virtual Aperture Imaging radar software increases the angular resolution of an array through sophisticated software as opposed to more physical transceiver elements. Oculii’s software technique is an array multiplier – enabling a MIMO radar sensor to achieve a 10X+ increase in angular resolution, delivering sub-degree angular with existing mass manufactured automotive-grade silicon.

Oculii and Infineon are collaborating on radar software solutions that scale performance for cost-effective single chip solutions tailored for Level 1 ADAS, all the way to multi-chip high performance solutions tailored for Level 4 Autonomous Driving. This partnership will enable automotive OEMs and Tier-1 customers to leverage Infineon’s best in class chipset containing AURIX MCUs, MMIC and power supply hardware platform along with Oculii’s Virtual Aperture Imaging software to deliver high-resolution performance at an attractive price point.